
WebuiltBravetoprovideyouthebestprivatewebbrowseravailable,andblockinvasiveads.GetBrave.bravebrowser.Blockadsandtrackers(evenonYouTube).,2024年1月19日—Features:+blocksads,bannerandpopups+blockingofadsonexternalsiteswhichloadYoutube+preventprerolladsfromloadingonYoutube+ ...,2023年10月28日—Dash除了代表標點符號之外,也有衝刺的意思,顯然發明這個譯法的人並不瞭解Dash8這個稱呼背後真正的意思。而這個翻...

A better YouTube Experience

We built Brave to provide you the best private web browser available, and block invasive ads. Get Brave. brave browser. Block ads and trackers (even on YouTube).

Adblock for Youtube™

2024年1月19日 — Features: + blocks ads, banner and popups + blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube + prevent preroll ads from loading on Youtube + ...

Adblock等廣告攔截器失靈?試試「對YouTube友善的」的 ...

2023年10月28日 — Dash除了代表標點符號之外,也有衝刺的意思,顯然發明這個譯法的人並不瞭解Dash 8這個稱呼背後真正的意思。而這個翻譯似乎也不是只有國家地理頻道在用。

Allow ads on videos that you watch

AdBlock. To allowlist YouTube in the AdBlock extension: In the upper right-hand corner of your browser extension, click AdBlock . A small number may be covering ...

Block YouTube Ads with AdBlock

AdBlock is the only YouTube ad blocker with an easy-to-use option for allowing ads on your favorite channels, making it simple to support content creators.

Did YouTube's offensive kill ad blockers? Here are the stats

2024年1月9日 — YouTube tried to block video playback for ad-blocking users last year. Some thought that this would lead to the demise of ad blockers.

【問題】最近一直跳出youtube禁止使用廣告攔截器ADBLOCK ...

2023年10月15日 — 安裝自動最高畫質安裝後右上角插件管理點他直接拉到最高4320P 強化位元沒有買VIP的打勾沒用反而會跳通知而已那個是有買VIP的才能打開喔.

使用AdBlock 阻擋YouTube 廣告

AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge as well as Android.